Bienvenue sur ma page entièrement dédiée à mon univers féerique, mes contes, mes aventures!

Joins toi à nous car il n y'a que toi qui manque!

Moi, Mila

Hello my dear friends, this is Mila speaking! Yes, I am speaking to you and with you! I want to be your friend, do you want to be friends with me? Please!
What is your name and where are you from?

I am 7 years old and I live in the beautiful country of Meriton. What, you have never heard of it? Well, then I need to tell you more about it - it’s mountains and wast landscapes, the thriving countrysides and flourishing fields. Let’s come and join me on my daily adventures striving through this magnificent country. You will not be disappointed and you will get to know all about its hidden beauties. And you can tell me all you want about yours!
Oh, I am so looking forward to sharing so many stories of mine with you!

This will be a great adventure for all of us! Come and join! (Subscription to our Newsletter - link)
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